How important are rest days? Probably just as important if not more important than the training days. How we get stronger is breaking down muscle and having it rebuilt. If we don't give the muscle time to recover and rebuild we risk injury. I found my old skins compression pants which I am going to wear after training to hopefully aid the recovery process.
If you have read other posts from me you might have gathered that I have never followed a training plan. In the past my rest days where more than my training days so the one or maybe two rest days a week now are a nice break. I have already done more mileage this year than all of my other Marathons put together. The structure is good but I can sometimes see myself looking ahead thinking I have x,y or z to do this evening but I also have a run. I start work too early to get morning runs in so it is a balance of time. As I write this I am thinking of tomorrows run not tonights rest day. That has to be a good thing.. Progress
Monday, 18 June 2018
Sunday, 17 June 2018
Sundays long run
When I say long run it is long for me 13.44miles. I am not into the
bigger mileage yet. Started out really slow straight into a long 2 mile
climb. Down the other side gets steep so it was a bit of work trying to reign myself in and not up the pace.

I finished with an 8.5 mile road bike ride to cool down. Don't think I will do it again because the bike isn't a great fit and the knees didnt feel good at all. Sunday Morning with a half marathon and a small bike ride done and it is only 10am.
Saturday, 16 June 2018
Strength and Conditioning
As a cross training day I have tried to add in some strength and conditioning. I started this during the 46 day Challenge I set myself. The good thing about the internet is the amount of videos, manuals and tips you can get on anything and everything these days. Youtube can be a fantastic tool for videos on all things fitness. I was well versed in the above during my junior days as an amateur boxer. Having said that I needed something that will benefit both fitness and endurance. I wanted to find strength and conditioning for Ultra Marathon running. With Youtube Pro's also comes the Con's. Information and advice may not always suit what you are trying to achieve. You need to find what you suits your end goals and tailor that information into a programme that suits you. What I try and do is go to others that are currently doing what you want to do. Ask questions and find references and links that way. It is amazing the amount of information you can gather. Not only the good references but the bad. The "I wish I had found this before..." stories also can be used for your benefit. What works for some people may not work for you. So don't always go on the first thing you find.
So with the runs I am also using a garage gym. Comprising of dumbbells, medicine ball, spin bike, punch bag and cross training push-up wheels designed for ab and oblique exercises. The Dumbbell routine I am currently working on consists of the below:
Doing 4 Exercises on the right side then 4 exercises on the left side.
In addition to the above I use a Medicine Ball Work. Most of these I have taken from my boxing days. No reference these are just things I have either been coached or picked up at different training camps.
Medicine Ball work out (Sets depend on what I have planned the next day)
So with the runs I am also using a garage gym. Comprising of dumbbells, medicine ball, spin bike, punch bag and cross training push-up wheels designed for ab and oblique exercises. The Dumbbell routine I am currently working on consists of the below:
- Power and strength complex
- Hypertrophy series
- Core series
- Conditioning complex
- Dumbbell Clean (5 Sets of 3 Reps)
- Push-press (5 Sets of 3 Reps)
- Front squat (5 Sets of 3 Reps)
- Dumbbell crush press (4 sets of 10 reps)
- Bent over rows (4 sets of 10 reps)
- Reverse lunge (4 sets of 10 reps) 10 on one side 10 on the other leg per set
Doing 4 Exercises on the right side then 4 exercises on the left side.
- Dumbbell Snatch (2 sets of 10 reps)
- Farmers Carry (2 sets of 10 reps)
- Get-up sit-ups (2 sets of 10 reps)
- Renegade row (2 sets of 10 reps)
- Split stance alternating hammer curl (2 Sets of 10 reps per arm)
- Split stance alternating shoulder press (2 Sets of 10 reps per arm)
- Split switch (2 Sets of 20 reps)
- Squat curl to press (2 Sets of 10 reps)
In addition to the above I use a Medicine Ball Work. Most of these I have taken from my boxing days. No reference these are just things I have either been coached or picked up at different training camps.
Medicine Ball work out (Sets depend on what I have planned the next day)
- Under leg cross overs in a seated position
- Wall cross overs in a seated or squat position
- Sitted V shape sit-up
- Laying on my Back L shape sit-up or stretch. (Using a wall initially to find form)
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Food and Nutrition
I love my food! Maybe a little too much at times. My portion sizes could feed a small family. You would think eating more would give me more energy. I have found that eating right is the key. A balanced diet and foods at the right time. Being tired after eating is a key sign of 1/ the wrong type of foods 2/ Too much on the plate. A lot of these things I know but slip back into the bad habits of loading a plate. I am very lucky in the position I am in to have good food at my finger tips. I have definitely changed my eating habits the older I get. I would say I eat healthy most of the time. Dont get me wrong I still get a take away meal from time to time. I usually regret it after, unless it is a good Indian with fresh produce. Sweets, Chocolate and Crisps can slip in from time to time but I am trying hard to ditch them for good. I have ditched fizzy drinks and soo glad I have. As I sit here now I have a bowl of fresh fruit.
The flavours are amazing and to compare them with sweets, Chocolate or Crisps is just a no contest. Yet we still find ourselves craving such foods and getting nothing from them. Try as I do to completely stay away from them. I find myself falling back into the bar of chocolate and a coffee twice maybe three times a day. If I could even limit it to a bar a day. This week I have had none and so far no major craving. Maybe it is because I am back on porridge in the mornings.
Breakfast... The most important meal of the day I was always taught. Yet I wasn't a breakfast person and have had to almost force myself to eat breakfast. What worked for me was to start with a glass of Orange. When I got used to that I turned to Toast, pancakes or a toasted soda. I then found myself having bread every day. I have got myself back on porridge and try to take it every morning. If not porridge I take scrambled eggs and brown bread toasted or wheaten bread toasted.
Snacks, comfort food or just addiction. As mentioned I can eat a lot in one sitting. You would think being full up would stop me eating snacks after a meal. I found myself eating straight after and between meals. No need or reason for it except addiction. Part of me getting fit again was trying to train my brain that I dont need this. I have found myself having to stop on the way to pick up a snack saying into myself "You don't need it" Training the brain is as important as fitness training if not more important. It is so easy to give in and say sure I enjoy it. Do you enjoy it? I find the more I take the less I enjoy junk food but get hooked time and time again. I done the whole of lent 46 Days when I didnt eat sweets, crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks, take away foods etc. Completely off them not just cut down. Then comes easter and I say I deserve a bit of chocolate for lasting 46 days. Deserve it! It is like calling it a treat. It is so far from being a treat but we have been taught to believe these are treats. Back to the fruit and that is really a treat. Yes you have to wash sometimes peel and deseed it but isn't that part of it? Like opening that bar of chocolate.
Suppliments are something I have taken from time to time. Cod liver oil capsuals, Whey Protein, Creatine (When I was gym training) Do they work? Well science say they do when taken properly along with a balanced diet. Why then is running times slower now than in the past. My Father and others who ran for Ballinascreen have recorded better Marathon times than most at the peak of their performance at the same level in today's terms. I am not aware of any of them taking suppliments before, during or after training. A balanced diet and maybe extra eggs for protein. I am no where near my Dads best times. Maybe over shorter races but his best Marathon time is in the 2h 50 area. I am nowhere near that but I blame my laid back attitude in the past. He was committed and had a good group of Irish Champions around him. I am not making excuses just saying how it was. Could that change.. I think if I keep going the way I am going. Keep the positive attitude and STRUCTURE my damn training I could get close or beat his time. Is it something I am trying to do? Not at the minute, my goal is the Ultra Marathon. Not something to be taken lightly and definitely not something to be looking for a fast time. Put it this way when I finish it, I will have set a personal best so thats my long term goal for now. So back to the suppliments and I am giving them a go again. Whey Protein from a local company.
If the owner Paul's results are anything to go by then with a bit of hard work it certainly won't do any harm. I have only started taking it this week. First impressions are great for flavour and texture. I remember one I used to take and was nice on drinking but it left a seriously bad after taste. Glad to say this is super nice. To early to feel any benefit yet but I will keep you posted. Keep who posted is anyone still reading this. Is this blog for anyone other than a way for me to track my progress. If you are reading it and take anything from it then happy days thanks for sticking with it. I will admit that these are my experiences, feelings and ways to do things. They might not work for you but maybe reading this is enough for you to think I need a goal in my life. Or I would like to challenge myself somehow. Things I have done from being inspired by someone or something have shocked me at times. If I can do it anyone can do it.
Before finishing the ultra I have to break down the goals into daily and weekly targets. Eat right, STRUCTURE the training, follow the right training plan for my needs. It is a work in progress and should finish with another achievement. Positive attitude and hard work.....
The flavours are amazing and to compare them with sweets, Chocolate or Crisps is just a no contest. Yet we still find ourselves craving such foods and getting nothing from them. Try as I do to completely stay away from them. I find myself falling back into the bar of chocolate and a coffee twice maybe three times a day. If I could even limit it to a bar a day. This week I have had none and so far no major craving. Maybe it is because I am back on porridge in the mornings.
Another way I take fruit is blended with water.
Snacks, comfort food or just addiction. As mentioned I can eat a lot in one sitting. You would think being full up would stop me eating snacks after a meal. I found myself eating straight after and between meals. No need or reason for it except addiction. Part of me getting fit again was trying to train my brain that I dont need this. I have found myself having to stop on the way to pick up a snack saying into myself "You don't need it" Training the brain is as important as fitness training if not more important. It is so easy to give in and say sure I enjoy it. Do you enjoy it? I find the more I take the less I enjoy junk food but get hooked time and time again. I done the whole of lent 46 Days when I didnt eat sweets, crisps, chocolate, fizzy drinks, take away foods etc. Completely off them not just cut down. Then comes easter and I say I deserve a bit of chocolate for lasting 46 days. Deserve it! It is like calling it a treat. It is so far from being a treat but we have been taught to believe these are treats. Back to the fruit and that is really a treat. Yes you have to wash sometimes peel and deseed it but isn't that part of it? Like opening that bar of chocolate.
Suppliments are something I have taken from time to time. Cod liver oil capsuals, Whey Protein, Creatine (When I was gym training) Do they work? Well science say they do when taken properly along with a balanced diet. Why then is running times slower now than in the past. My Father and others who ran for Ballinascreen have recorded better Marathon times than most at the peak of their performance at the same level in today's terms. I am not aware of any of them taking suppliments before, during or after training. A balanced diet and maybe extra eggs for protein. I am no where near my Dads best times. Maybe over shorter races but his best Marathon time is in the 2h 50 area. I am nowhere near that but I blame my laid back attitude in the past. He was committed and had a good group of Irish Champions around him. I am not making excuses just saying how it was. Could that change.. I think if I keep going the way I am going. Keep the positive attitude and STRUCTURE my damn training I could get close or beat his time. Is it something I am trying to do? Not at the minute, my goal is the Ultra Marathon. Not something to be taken lightly and definitely not something to be looking for a fast time. Put it this way when I finish it, I will have set a personal best so thats my long term goal for now. So back to the suppliments and I am giving them a go again. Whey Protein from a local company.
Been a long time since this glass seen a Harp
Before finishing the ultra I have to break down the goals into daily and weekly targets. Eat right, STRUCTURE the training, follow the right training plan for my needs. It is a work in progress and should finish with another achievement. Positive attitude and hard work.....
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Wet and Windy
Finishing a 12 hour day and driving 40 mins home. I stood looking at the trees sway and the sideways rain hit the kitchen window. Welcome to our Irish summer! We have been blessed with the recent weather dry, warm and calm. I hate to say it but maybe too warm for running at times (I am not complaining though) So when you are in the process of ramping up training and are faced with an evening like tonight what do you do?? You get the gear on and go running of course. The worst part of the weather is looking at it. I will admit the feeling of "what am I doing?" when I first step out in the rain. Less than a mile in and the rhythm takes over. The body heats up and the rain feels warm. I was running at a slower pace to up the miles. Not looking at a watch and a route that I had guessed was close to 10 miles. It turned out a mile and a bit shy of 10 but I was so comfortable I could have kept running. I think I read somewhere not to go more than you had planned even if you are feeling good. I finished comfortably with a slow jog to walk as a warm down.
I am in the process of finding a training plan and tweaking it for my conditions. In the mean time I plan to just keep running with a cross training day (Mountain biking) Also a strength and conditioning day. This will be the first training plan I have ever looked at. I ran two Marathons without training plans or structured training. I struggled and my finish time was not too hot. I NEED to get more structured to improve. I have had some great hints and tips from fellow runners and some great references for books and plans. One of which is "Relentless Forward Progress" By Bryon Powell. (Thanks to Gary Cullinan for the reference to this book). I have been listening to the audio book and the paperback arrives tomorrow. Structure in progress....
I am in the process of finding a training plan and tweaking it for my conditions. In the mean time I plan to just keep running with a cross training day (Mountain biking) Also a strength and conditioning day. This will be the first training plan I have ever looked at. I ran two Marathons without training plans or structured training. I struggled and my finish time was not too hot. I NEED to get more structured to improve. I have had some great hints and tips from fellow runners and some great references for books and plans. One of which is "Relentless Forward Progress" By Bryon Powell. (Thanks to Gary Cullinan for the reference to this book). I have been listening to the audio book and the paperback arrives tomorrow. Structure in progress....
Monday, 11 June 2018
Running... Its been a while
I have always been a fairly active person, with the exception of certain times of my life for one reason or another. The past few years I have become less and less active and the weight started to creep on. I needed to get myself on track again and during lent I set myself a challenge. Some form of exercise every day for the whole of lent. Lent lasted on the calendar for 46 days? I thought it was 40 days and 40 nights but I was in for the long haul. So some form of exercise every day from Ash wednesday to Easter Saturday.
14th February Weight 93kg
I set out a plan, watch what I eat and control the portion sizes. No junk foods and no eating between meals unless for healthy snack foods. I had no set fitness plan for this challenge, or a specific diet that I would stick to. I like most sports can run, bike, swim and most things in between. My garage is equipped with a punch bag, spin bike and free weights I had no excuses. I have attached a log of what I done and what I ate (See below Screenshots). I am not a structured person when it comes to training or eating so keeping this log helped me keep doing the challenge. Seing the progress on paper and filling it in every day was a way of keeping me moving. I work Monday to Saturday on average 12 hour days so my number one excuse was I didn't have time. When I started this it wasn't easy and coming home after 12 hours with a 40min drive home. I did feel tired and felt like saying I will start tomorrow. Once I was out there on the spin bike or out for a run I was loving it. I had the option of walking but ran, biked or boxed. My running improved and on St Patricks day 17th March I ran a 10k race finishing time 45mins.
I will admit it wasn't always easy to go and train but when I was doing it I really enjoyed it. I started to feel better, mentally and physically. Then you ask yourself why did I not do this sooner.
I was into the last few days of the challenge. Some aches and pains mainly from running but nothing major. On 28th March day 43 I was doing sprints and I pulled a hamstring. At the time it felt like a complete snap. I have never had an injury like this but knew I wouldn't be training the next day. Rather than make it worse I decided to completely rest. Two days complete rest with the exception of being on my feet all day in work. Three days after injury I had a long walk in the evening. Easter sunday 4 days after injury I ran a 4 mile beach run.
I was on day 47 and I had lost slightly over 10kg in weight. The leg felt ok but the challenge was finished. It is so easy to fall back into the old habits and I will admit I started to miss training days and the eating habbits fell to the bigger portions and the odd bit of junk food.
What next as I am starting to slip again.....
On my Birthday I seen an advert for a Marathon. The Causeway Coast Marathon. A course I love and an area I spent summers of my childhood. I have done this event on two occassions. In 2010 I done the Causeway Half Marathon. The year before I had done the full Marathon distance. So would it be the Half or the Full this time. Well this event is in September and in addition to the 10k, Half and Full Marathon distances there is an Ultra Distance. 40 Miles
I told you I aim high and had considered this race before. I know my lack of scheduled training and laid back attitude might not get me through this like other events. So my goal has been set and now some hard work HAS to take place.
Portstewart to the carrick a rede rope bridge and back to portballintray. 40 miles along some of the worlds most stunning coast lines exciting times ahead.
47 Day Challenge log
14th February Weight 93kg
I set out a plan, watch what I eat and control the portion sizes. No junk foods and no eating between meals unless for healthy snack foods. I had no set fitness plan for this challenge, or a specific diet that I would stick to. I like most sports can run, bike, swim and most things in between. My garage is equipped with a punch bag, spin bike and free weights I had no excuses. I have attached a log of what I done and what I ate (See below Screenshots). I am not a structured person when it comes to training or eating so keeping this log helped me keep doing the challenge. Seing the progress on paper and filling it in every day was a way of keeping me moving. I work Monday to Saturday on average 12 hour days so my number one excuse was I didn't have time. When I started this it wasn't easy and coming home after 12 hours with a 40min drive home. I did feel tired and felt like saying I will start tomorrow. Once I was out there on the spin bike or out for a run I was loving it. I had the option of walking but ran, biked or boxed. My running improved and on St Patricks day 17th March I ran a 10k race finishing time 45mins.
I will admit it wasn't always easy to go and train but when I was doing it I really enjoyed it. I started to feel better, mentally and physically. Then you ask yourself why did I not do this sooner.
I was into the last few days of the challenge. Some aches and pains mainly from running but nothing major. On 28th March day 43 I was doing sprints and I pulled a hamstring. At the time it felt like a complete snap. I have never had an injury like this but knew I wouldn't be training the next day. Rather than make it worse I decided to completely rest. Two days complete rest with the exception of being on my feet all day in work. Three days after injury I had a long walk in the evening. Easter sunday 4 days after injury I ran a 4 mile beach run.
I was on day 47 and I had lost slightly over 10kg in weight. The leg felt ok but the challenge was finished. It is so easy to fall back into the old habits and I will admit I started to miss training days and the eating habbits fell to the bigger portions and the odd bit of junk food.
I need a goal to keep me going and signed up for a 100km 5 peak cycle challenge. A very hilly course and with very little bike time. I tend to aim high rather than building up to something and it seems to be working. The cycle went well and I completed it fairly comfortably allbeit slowly. Next was a 9 mile trail run on Divis mountain. I finished in 16th place and has really got my love for trail running back.
Run DMC 9miler 16th Place
What next as I am starting to slip again.....
On my Birthday I seen an advert for a Marathon. The Causeway Coast Marathon. A course I love and an area I spent summers of my childhood. I have done this event on two occassions. In 2010 I done the Causeway Half Marathon. The year before I had done the full Marathon distance. So would it be the Half or the Full this time. Well this event is in September and in addition to the 10k, Half and Full Marathon distances there is an Ultra Distance. 40 Miles
I told you I aim high and had considered this race before. I know my lack of scheduled training and laid back attitude might not get me through this like other events. So my goal has been set and now some hard work HAS to take place.
Portstewart to the carrick a rede rope bridge and back to portballintray. 40 miles along some of the worlds most stunning coast lines exciting times ahead.
47 Day Challenge log
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